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Capstone Works Blog

Capstone Works, Inc. has been serving the Cedar Park area since 2001, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Help! My Employee Quit and Deleted Their Files! Here’s What to Do

Help! My Employee Quit and Deleted Their Files! Here’s What to Do

Disasters tend to happen when you least expect them to. That’s what makes them disasters. A bad situation is often made much worse simply because you didn’t expect it, and that can be the case here. Let’s say an employee suddenly quits, and deletes all of their files on the way out. This can be a sticky situation, so here are a few ways to handle it when it happens, and a few ways to prepare for it just in case.

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Understanding Recovery Time Objective: How Long Will it Take to Get Back on Track?

Understanding Recovery Time Objective: How Long Will it Take to Get Back on Track?

When it comes to disaster recovery and business continuity planning, one of the most important metrics to consider is the Recovery Time Objective (RTO).

But what exactly is RTO, and why is it crucial for your organization? In this article, we’ll dive into the definition of RTO, its importance, and how to determine the right RTO for your business.

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Now’s the Time for Austin Businesses to Start Thinking About Business Continuity

Now’s the Time for Austin Businesses to Start Thinking About Business Continuity

The weather can pull some pretty unexpected punches, even here in Texas. Take the snowstorm we had a few years back. Businesses that lacked any kind of plan to manage this weather suffered as a result… both due to the event itself, and the costs associated with the aftermath.

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Texas Will Be Colder than Usual This Winter…Is Your Business Prepared for Potential Issues?

Texas Will Be Colder than Usual This Winter…Is Your Business Prepared for Potential Issues?

While I don’t really want to bring up unpleasant memories, I want you to think back to the winter storms of February, 2021. Now, I want you to consider your current business continuity preparedness…if a similar storm were to strike this winter, how would your business fare?

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Can Your Business Survive a Critical Disaster?

Can Your Business Survive a Critical Disaster?

Nobody likes to think about being “fragile.” It’s easier to go about your day assuming that very little can harm you, your way of life, and your business. It usually takes a shocking lesson to change a person’s mind about just how easy it is for something solid to topple over.

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Accounting Firms Need their IT Solutions to Count

Accounting Firms Need their IT Solutions to Count

Most businesses rely on information technology in order to operate, with accountants, CPAs, and accounting firms being no exception. This means that modern accounting firms therefore have a lot of IT-related considerations to manage—particularly related to their security.

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Cybercriminals are Taking Advantage of the Extreme Weather

Cybercriminals are Taking Advantage of the Extreme Weather

Texas’ recent winter storms did an unprecedented amount of damage. Unfortunately, cybercriminals see this disruption as an opportunity to target those under stress and are more likely to make a mistake. Please take a moment to learn some steps to increase your cybersecurity protections.

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Three Tips Austin Businesses Need to Fight Ransomware

Three Tips Austin Businesses Need to Fight Ransomware

Recently, several Texas organizations were the target of a massive ransomware attack, most of which were small local government agencies. If you still think your business is too small or far off the radar to be attacked, you're making a grave mistake. If you're not sure how to protect your business, here are three tips to help fight potential ransomware attacks.

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Disaster Recovery and Why it Matters to Central Texas Businesses


When you mention the term 'disaster recovery,' most people think about the big ground-shattering events like earthquakes, fires, floods, tropical storms, etc. While these natural events are certainly disasters and devastating in their own right, smaller things can constitute as a disaster for your business, and they aren't seasonal.

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Delta IT Disaster: The Importance of an IT Disaster Recovery Plan

Delta IT Disaster: The Importance of an IT Disaster Recovery Plan

Angry customers, negative media coverage, frustrated employees, untold revenue lost, lingering anger from customers: that’s the status for Delta Airlines this week.  Of course this is not news to anyone; unless you have been living under a rock you have heard the numerous news reports detailing the Delta computer disaster.  Whether caused by a minor power outage at Delta headquarters or an internal computer hiccup, the airline was forced to cancel over 500 flights causing gridlock across America’s airports at the height of vacation season. You may not be running an international transportation corporation, but imagine what would happen to your clients if you had an unexpected IT failure.  Think something like this can’t happen to you? Think again.  The problem that Delta airlines faced was not the power outage at their headquarters; it was an inadequate IT Disaster Recovery Plan.  As a business owner you don’t want to be caught off guard in the middle of an IT nightmare.  An IT Disaster Recovery Plan may sound like a great idea, but you might not even know what one looks like, let alone know where to start.  Here at Capstone Works we are your IT partner and are ready to put together a comprehensive IT Disaster Recovery Plan.  The goal of any good plan is fivefold, it should:

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Don't let IT disasters devastate your business!


IT disasters are devastating to the infrastructure of any organization.  In a modern office environment, IT is the hub of any type of business.  Disasters can disrupt IT processes to the point that businesses are significantly impacted.  When it comes to disaster recovery many firms believe they will never need a backup plan; convincing themselves that the likelihood of their organization being affected is minimal.  In reality, threats to your IT infrastructure are growing no matter what segment of the economy you operate within. 

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Get the right data storage solution for your growing business!


Organizations today cannot successfully grow their business while neglecting their technology needs; though it is impossible to become an IT expert while remaining focused on your niche. The world of IT is constantly changing - from cloud computing, Big Data, mobility, the Internet of Things, and new data storage – options can be overwhelming for any SMB owner. Is it time for you to upgrade your data storage? Are you employing the best solution to fit your needs? As you evaluate your technology solutions, don’t forget about your data storage options.

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