Businesses search endlessly for an advantage. When they are able to acquire one, it can transform their operations, and the way they look at future situations. One of the very best technologies that a business can use is cloud computing. Let’s take a look at some of the best benefits that an organization can see from the use of cloud computing.
Traditionally, businesses would purchase hardware and software and host it in their central office. This model was used for years, because there wasn’t any viable alternative. Nowadays, the robust and scalable Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platforms, storage, and processing available in the cloud has made it the go-to solution for organizational computing needs.
The cloud has sort of become a catch-all in the consumer tech world. Where do you backup your photos on your phone? In the cloud. Where do college students access their presentations and reports? In the cloud. Even our entertainment tends to come from the cloud. It’s been proven to be a reliable course of action for so many entities. When implemented correctly, cloud computing can have a big impact on your business.
One of the major challenges that many small businesses face is a lack of resources to get the tools their larger competitors use. Larger and better-funded organizations can afford to deploy the latest and greatest software to aid their productivity efforts; they can utilize cutting-edge hardware; they can structure their IT budgets in a manner that completely supports their employees; they can build better data security.
With cloud computing, now it doesn’t take massive technology budgets to procure the dynamic tools that can push your organization forward. The cloud provides the flexibility to get the software, storage, and processing your business needs, doing so without the need to plan for massive capital investments.
There is an awkward stage in the growth of any business where the technology they use could use a significant upgrade. This is a great position to be in, but can be problematic in that you need to have a plan on how to proceed with your tech investments. The cloud makes technology scalable, so as your business grows, you simply have to add new accounts.
This scalability is possibly the best feature that cloud computing can provide an organization. Not only do you get access to crucial computing resources that may otherwise be out of your organization's price range, but you can also add and subtract resources as needed. This means that you significantly cut down on waste, and because these platforms are managed by the provider, your technology upkeep costs are significantly reduced.
Many organizations are looking to transform their business by adding in digital resources. One huge benefit cloud computing offers is the ability to pore through data that either hasn’t been collected, or was simply too complex to pore through. Cloud platforms log everything, from every time someone signs into an account to every file that’s moved, and because of this they can provide organizations with a lot of great analytic information that can be used to shift strategies and build newer, better processes.
Additionally, organizations that utilize cloud tools often realize that it saves them swaths of time administratively. Besides inventorying every application license and making sure that these are renewed every year, using the cloud can help you quell the constant hardware and software vendor calls that can waste a lot of time and take attention away from the health of your business.
Since cloud computing resources are accessible from anywhere with an Internet connection, building a multi-location business has never been easier. Collaborative strategies dominate the business landscape nowadays and with better access, more can get done from multiple locations.
What’s more, it provides your organization with the flexibility to choose how you want to run your business. There are a lot of benefits of having a distributed workforce, and with cloud computing, they can get the resources they need to not only be productive, but also collaborate in real time with other members of your organization. You know the saying, “teamwork makes the dream work”? The cloud makes it affordable and viable to use remote workers, whether they are a part of a hybrid workforce, or outsourced several time zones away.
The cloud was taboo for several years not too long ago because there was the fear that if you lose control over the underlying technology your business uses, you lose control over the data. The thing is, today’s cloud platforms are extremely secure. They are monitored and managed by the provider, which means the data held on the servers is protected by some of the best cybersecurity technologies.
What’s more, cloud providers understand that if security comes into question that it hurts their business, giving them the incentive to not only provide comprehensive security services and support, but also keep the hardware and software current. This immortality, as it is called, ensures that when you get cloud services from a reputable vendor the technology you are renting is typically better than anything a small business would be able to afford.
At Capstone Works, our knowledgeable consultants can assess your current IT setup, consider your immediate and long-term needs, and help you get the technology in place that can really push the needle as far as making your business more productive and efficient. To learn more, give us a call today at (512) 343-8891.
About the author
Capstone Works, Inc. has been serving the Cedar Park area since 2001, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.
Learn more about what Capstone Works can do for your business.
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Suite 511
Cedar Park, Texas 78613